
A pipe fitting is defined as a part used in a piping system, for changing direction, branching or for change of pipe diameter, and which is mechanically joined to the system.

MaterialTypeProfilesStandardsSpecificationsSizeSchedule (Wall Thickness)
Carbon SteelSeamless and WeldedCapsASME B16.25SA/A 234-WPB and SA/A 234-WPB-WX1/2″ – 24″S20, S30, STD, S40, XS, S60, S80, S100, S120, S140, S160, XXS
Concentric ReducerASME B16.25
Eccentric ReducerASME B16.25
45 Deg. Elbow (L/R & S/R)ASME B16.25
90 Deg. Elbow (L/R & S/R)ASME B16.2526″ – 36″STD, S40, XS
180 Deg. Bend (L/R & S/R)ASME B16.25
Straight TeeASME B16.25
Reducing TeeASME B16.25
Low-temp. Alloy SteelSeamlessCapsASME B16.25SA/A 420-WPL61/2″ – 24″S20, S30, STD, S40, XS, S60, S80, S100, S120, S160, XXS
Concentric ReducerASME B16.25
Eccentric ReducerASME B16.25
45 Deg. Elbow (L/R & S/R)ASME B16.25
90 Deg. Elbow (L/R & S/R)ASME B16.25
180 Deg. Bend (L/R & S/R)ASME B16.25
Straight TeeASME B16.25
Reducing TeeASME B16.25
Stainless SteelSeamlessCapsASME B16.25SA/A 403-WP304/L-S,1/2″ – 12″10S, 40S, 80S, S160
Concentric ReducerASME B16.25SA/A 403-WP316/L-S
Eccentric ReducerASME B16.25
45 Deg. Elbow (L/R & S/R)ASME B16.25
90 Deg. Elbow (L/R & S/R)ASME B16.25
180 Deg. Bend (L/R & S/R)ASME B16.25
Straight TeeASME B16.25
Reducing TeeASME B16.25
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