
A pipe is a tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually but not necessarily of circular cross-section, used mainly to convey substances which can flow — liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders and masses of small solids. It can also be used for structural applications; hollow pipe is far stiffer per unit weight than solid members.

MaterialTypeSpecificationsSizeSchedule (Wall Thickness)
Carbon SteelSeamlessAPI 5L, L245/L290/L360, X42/X52, SA/A106B/53B1/4" - 24"S20, S30, STD, S40, XS, S60, S80, S100, S120, S140, S160, XXS
HFWAPI 5L/L245/L290, X422" - 24"STD, XS
SAWAPI 5L/L245/L290, X4224" - 36"STD, XS
Low-temp. Alloy SteelSeamlessSA/A 333-Gr.61/2" - 24"S20, S30, STD, S40, XS, S60, S80, S100, S120, S160, XXS
Stainless SteelSeamlessSA/A 312-TP304/L, SA/A 312-TP316/L1/2" - 12"10S, 40S, 80S, S160
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